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IBUK Libra
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Gorzelak Grzegorz
Guerci Eric
Pawlak Mirosław
Varadinov Maria José
Vignoli Matteo
Świętoniowska Joanna
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
Praca zbiorowa
7 wyników Filtruj
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Each new issue of our journal contains articles that have been sent to the editorial board and, following the reviewing procedure, accepted for publication. As we do not invite the authors to choose a specific subject, these articles in some sense provide an answer to the question: what topics in financial sciences were in the past few months recognized as the most interesting for the scientific community? When we look at the contents of this volume, it seems that in public and corporate finance an important problem is the appropriate measurement of the effects resulting from public expenditure (the first three articles). Concerning the financial markets, the instrumental approach dominates, where scientists (the authors of the next four articles) seek to present some new, useful tools to operate in these markets. We hope that the contents of this volume will give both information and inspiration to lectu¬rers.
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In the current issue of the journal Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis comprises three articles. Karolina Siemaszkiewicz presents a comparison between the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic with the use of safe haven instruments. The author tried to compare the performance of safe haven assets during the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic in such countries as Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, and Poland. Grażyna Trzpiot and Magdalena Kawecka discuss the labour market status of young people in selected countries of the European Union. The authors used the taxonomic approach: hierarchical methods to agglomerate objects through a dendrogram and the non- -hierarchical k-means method. Non-monetary indicators of social exclusion is the subject of the article by Łukasz Kozar. The aim of the paper was to identify the key non-monetary indicators of this phenomenon and to develop a synthetic measure to rank and compare the EU-10 countries.
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In this, the forty-third issue of the journal Econometrics, seven articles are publi-shed. The article by Katarzyna Cheba and Joanna Hołub-Iwan concerns the measure of the effectiveness of technology parks in Poland. Agnieszka Stanimir presents a correspondence analysis used for time series data. The next two articles concern the application and theoretical issues of multivariate statistical analysis in studies related to the higher education. Alicja Grześkowiak, in her article, draws an assessment of interpersonal trust of Poles by principal components analysis and log-linear modeling. In the last article cross-national comparisons of generational differences in the perception of work conditions are shown. '
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This book provides university administrators, professors, and career specialists with a comprehensive introduction to the BE(A)ST (BE Aware Student) approach. The BE(A)ST approach aims at enhancing students’ awareness of personalized career development, fostering a connection between their professional identity, beliefs, and actions to support career awareness. With the BE(A)ST approach, we provide a solution to improve the alignment between the career and the life of our students. The Personalized Career Development (PCD) course based on the BE(A)ST approach and described in this book is the result of three research programs focused on the development of the method and on its adaptation, scientific validation, and dissemination. This book is a must-read for anyone who is serious about career planning, life design or teaching about these ideas. It includes an extremely well researched and authoritative review of all the major books, methods and tools available and advances the state-of-the-art. With suggested improvements and refinements. It also packages these tools into several different university-level workshop and course formats and provides the authors' experiences with delivering these programs to students across different disciplines, cultures and countries. (Steven A. Gedeon, BSc, MSc, MBA, Peng, PE, PhD, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy Department Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), Canada) The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at: ****** Książka – przeznaczona dla kadry zarządzającej wyższych uczelni, nauczycieli akademickich i doradców zawodowych z uczelnianych biur karier – zawiera kompleksowe wprowadzenie do metodyki BE(A)ST (BE Aware Student). Metodyka ta ma na celu podniesienie świadomości studentów w zakresie spersonalizowanego rozwoju kariery oraz wzmocnienie związku między ich profilem zawodowym, własnymi przekonaniami a podejmowanymi działaniami wspierającymi świadomy wybór ścieżki rozwoju zawodowej. BE(A)ST jest zatem rozwiązaniem umożliwiającym dopasowanie kariery i życia osobistego studentów. Kurs Spersonalizowanego Rozwoju Kariery (Personalized Career Development – PCD) oparty na metodyce BE(A)ST i opisany w prezentowanej książce to wynik trzech programów badawczych skupionych na rozwoju metody oraz na jej adaptacji, naukowej walidacji i upowszechnieniu. Publikacja na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) (pełna treść wzorca dostępna pod adresem:
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We have the pleasure to present to you the next issue of Business Informatics, focusing on a specific area of IT systems application which is sport. In particular, our attention is paid to using ICT systems to manage and control organization systems of sport clubs, to manage organization processes of training camps, participation in competitions, as well as the organization and leading of trainings. Majority of studies are financed from the grant “Academic Sports Association Platform” (PeAZS), being a tool of monitoring training, organizational and financial processes of the institutions realizing the ACSS program. The first paper presents assumptions and functionalities of the information-communication system called the e-AZS Platform (PeAZS), the purpose of which was to provide the authorities of the AZS-AWF club of Wrocław with a tool enabling them to integrate the flow of information between the authorities of the sports club, coaches, contestants and the widely understood environment of the sports club (sports unions, sponsors, etc.). The second paper describes a computer aided system for designing sport training. It is important to underline that this system fully identifies all of the factors having influence over the effectiveness of a training process. The system relates to quantifiable disciplines, such as athletics, but the authors expect the development of this system to cover unquantifiable disciplines, such as combative sports, too. The third paper describes and explains the usage of IT and electronic tools to register behaviours when playing volleyball, based on the example of Plus Liga. The fourth paper describes new Internet communication technologies, basing on the example of Polish sports organizations. In particular, popular forms of Internet communication (NICT) were described, while pointing to the need of improvement of the competences relating to the use of NICT. In the fifth paper the authors investigate the issue of the valuation of sports clubs’ intangible assets, with the use of new media. It is shown that media value, created by the new media (social media), may be an indirect element possibly deciding on the value of a club and particular subjects participating in it. A practical example of this type of a valuation process (assessment of the value of an event, a club, a player) is Pentagon Research – a company which has been dealing with these issues for many years now. The sixth paper presents the possibility of using the e-learning solutions in sports organizations. The authors highlight the need to widen communication channels in the processes of sports learning, and present, in a systematic manner, the implications of solutions relating to electronic development and building of knowledge repositories. The seventh paper describes the functioning of fitness clubs, so popular nowadays all around Poland. They require the application of modern IT tools in client management. The article describes the basic functions and modules used to manage data, allowing for the improvement of communications processes with the clients of a fitness club. The eighth paper describes theoretical indications of the possibilities to develop an integrated management system for the needs of sports organizations. It has been suggested that the development of such system should be based on the concept of business social responsibility. An important added value of this concept is the thesis on the need of cross-sectoral integration, giving rise to the development of a system engaging private and public subjects, which may, in turn, favour the improvement of the relationships between the subjects functioning in these sectors. The ninth, and final, paper of this issue of Business Informatics is research on designing strategies for managing the relationship with clients with the use of broadly understood ICT tools. It is worth mentioning here that the research was carried out basing on the example of a global sports organization – Pure Jatomi. As a consequence, the authors describe ICT tools in the context of the possibility to accelerate the Customer Lifetime Value. The authors as well as the editors of this issue of Business Informatics are hoping for a considerable interest in these issues, and that the need to develop the subject matter will be large enough to enable, in the nearest future, the publication of a next issue of Business Informatics of Sport Science including a description of practical implementations and new concepts, such as, for example, the use of Augmentem Reality technology, and many other modern technologies and ICT systems for the improvement of the organizational system, as well as practical solutions for sports trainings.
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Celem i misją czasopisma Konińskie Studia Językowe jest stworzenie platformy do dyskusji na temat osiągnięć oraz wyzwań stojących przed naukowcami zajmującymi się językami w ujęciu stosowanym. Adresatem czasopisma są zarówno doświadczeni, jak i początkujący badacze języków, językoznawcy stosowani, dydaktycy, tłumacze, kulturoznawcy i wszyscy ci, którzy traktują język jako podstawowy przedmiot swoich badań. Motywem przewodnim i osią spajającą pracę redakcji jest refleksja nad językiem. W tej szerokiej formule mieści się zarówno podejście ściśle językoznawcze, jak również pedagogiczne czy kulturowe. Mamy nadzieję, że tak zarysowana wizja czasopisma pozwoli nam wypełnić znaczącą lukę na polskim rynku czasopism naukowym. Przyjmując jednoznacznie językoznawczy punkt odniesienia, zakładamy jednocześnie, że szeroki wachlarz odniesień do badań językowych, od praktyki edukacyjno-translatorskiej po kulturowo uwarunkowane użycie języka w mediach, jest niezbędny dla całościowego podejścia do badań językowych.
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Contents [W numerze]: Olga Mrinska, Maciej Smętkowski: Foreword [Słowo wstępne], s. 5–8; Les Dolega, Dorota Celińska-Janowicz: Retail resilience: A theoretical framework for understanding town centre dynamics [Rezyliencja handlowa: ramy teoretyczne dla zrozumienia przekształceń centrum miasta], doi: 10.7366/1509499526001, s. 8–31; Maciej Smętkowski: The impact of the economic crisis on the metropolisation process in the capital cities of the CEE countries [Wpływ kryzysu gospodarczego na proces metropolizacji w miastach stołecznych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej], doi: 10.7366/1509499526002, s. 32–52; Zoltán Gál: Development of international financial centres in Central and Eastern Europe during transition period and crisis. The case of Budapest [Rozwój międzynarodowych centrów finansowych w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej w okresie transformacji i kryzysu. Przykład Budapesztu], doi: 10.7366/1509499526003, s. 53–80; Donatas Burneika, Ruta Ubareviciene: The economic crisis and development of Vilnius urban region – spatial aspects [Kryzys gospodarczy a rozwój regionu miejskiego Wilna – aspekty przestrzenne], doi: 10.7366/1509499526004, s. 81–96; Olga Mrinska: Governance responses to the economic crisis. The case of Kyiv [Zarządzanie w okresie kryzysu gospodarczego. Przykład Kijowa], doi: 10.7366/1509499526005, s. 97–113; Liga Baltina: The need for a place-based approach in boosting development:The case of Riga [Wykorzystanie koncepcji polityki ukierunkowanej terytorialnie w celu pobudzenia rozwoju. Przykład Rygi], doi: 10.7366/1509499526006, s. 114–129; REPORT – RSA Research Network ‘The impact of global economic crisis on capital cities’, s. 130–137. Zeszyt wydany w języku angielskim [English version only].
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