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Japanese Ghost Stories / Lafcadio Hearn ; retold by Jane Rollason. - Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008. - 76 s. : il. kolor. ; 21 cm + 3 dyski optyczne (CD-ROM).
(Penguin Active Reading. Level 3)
General note
Na s. 4 okł.: British English : Classic. Level 3. 1200 headwords. Pre-Intermediate.
System details note
Wymagania systemowe: Windows 2000/XP Pentium 350 Mhz, 128 MB RAM lub Macintosch OSX, PowerPC processor, 300Mhz, 128 MB RAM lub GNU/Linux, Kernel 2.6, Pentium 350 Mhz, 128 MB RAM.
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